

This is for SLCC 2017 Summer Semester
(ENGL 2270, CSIS 1340)

by Roger Bourke White Jr., copyright June 2017


ENGL 2270 Assignments

01 Chuck Norris gets Lost in Paradise -- a folklore story -- audio version (Jun 17)

02 Home or Club? -- another story, set in the year 2050 (Jul 17)

03 Showdown on Main Street -- a western, new genre for me (Jul 17)

04 Anthology -- class final (Aug 17)

o Class notebook -- in-class writing assignments

CSIS 1340 Assignments

01 -- (Jun 17)

o Class notebook -- smaller assignments

History thoughts

Chosen Valleys -- Why did the cradles of civilization become the cradles? (May 17)

Complacency: The Chronic Threat To Progress -- the more complacent we get the slower our progress will be (Aug 17)



--The End--
