Consider the Possibilities...Tales of Technofiction


Behind every great man there is a good...
cyber muse.

Visions of 2050    

Where does the 500LB Alien Sleep?

Tips for Tailoring Spacetime Fabric Vol. 1 The Honeycomb Comet

Yes, there are aliens...
the size of the moon!


What if you search for angels...
and you find one!

Tips for Tailoring Spacetime Fabric Vol. 2 Rostov Rising

Baron Rostov takes on
Aladdin and his gene


Welcome to 2112:
Making babies is now...

Child Champs Science and Insight for Science Fiction Writing

Good science makes
good stories


Welcome to Tales of Technofiction.
Worlds of imagination... where good science and good consistency matter as much as good charcters and exciting stories.



photo by European Southern Observatory