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Available in book form from Author House -- Amazon -- Barnes and Noble and other fine book sellers, search for "Roger Bourke White Jr."

Evolution and Thought:
How living on planet Earth has shaped human thinking

by Roger Bourke White Jr., copyright 2010



CHAPTER ONE In the Beginning…

CHAPTER TWO Welcome to Neolithic Village

CHAPTER THREE Beauty, Brides, and Matrons

CHAPTER FOUR Looking Hot to … Your Mother-in-Law?

CHAPTER FIVE Pushing the Gene Pool in a New Direction: Adapting to Agriculture

CHAPTER SIX Industrial Age Thinking

CHAPTER SEVEN Information Age Thinking

CHAPTER EIGHT Instinctive Thinking in Modern Times

CHAPTER NINE The Prisoner’s Dilemma

CHAPTER TEN Delusion Thinking

CHAPTER ELEVEN Worshipping at the Altar of the Holy Metal Detector


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