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Chapter Twelve

What you have been reading about are ways that evolution can explain why people think the way they do.

All human beings use a mix of instinctive thinking, to solve the day-to-day issues they face, and adaptive thinking, to solve the one-shots that come up once in a blue moon.

Humans use instinctive thinking when they can because it is fast, easy, and comfortable. They use adaptive thinking only when they must because it is hard, tiresome, and frustrating.

But instinctive thinking is well designed for the Neolithic Village lifestyle, and modern life is a totally new experience for humans. So we must all use a lot of adaptive thinking.

Nevertheless, instinctive thinking is still comfortable thinking so it sneaks in wherever it can. If you’re making a choice and “In your heart, you know it’s right,” you know instinct is talking to you.

So knowing these things, what will make your life better?

In your day-to-day living, be aware of when you are using instinctive thinking and when you are using adaptive thinking. If you are aware, you will make better choices. Likewise, when you are dealing with other people, think about which kind of thinking they are likely to use in the circumstance you are facing with them and which they want you to be using. In particular, remember that good selling is about tweaking instinctive thinking, but good choices are made by making sure that adaptive thinking—analyzing the situation—has had its say, too.

Also keep the Prisoner’s Dilemma in mind—ask yourself, is the transaction I’m contemplating being structured to favor defecting or cooperating?

And finally, keep in mind that the facts that you see around you may not be the facts that the person you’re transacting with sees around himself or herself. The brain’s wonderful ability to be flexible about the facts of life means that delusional thinking is all around us, and the way to end a particular piece of delusional thinking is to demonstrate a harsh reality that cuts through the delusion.

And that’s what I have for you. As you go through life, have fun with your instincts and your analyzing.

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