Chapter Eight

It isn’t hard to be another plotter in a world full of plotters. The Bardazans of these times expect secrets and mystery. Some try to conceal themselves by routing communications through remote, older communications satellites that don’t monitor calls as well as the newer equipment. One of these is an old science satellite, once used to gather data on the gas giant I have used as a brake. I send a probe to replace the old science satellite and duplicate its function. I now have access to a plotter, and a toehold in the communications net.

This secret link is used by a high science official. She plots with other Bardazan elite, and from their conversations, I learn many of the plotters and their relations to each other. While I listen, I plan to subvert another, newer, closer link. This remote one will be used only as long as speed isn’t needed, but it soon will be. The world described in public communications, and the world described in private communications, is splitting into confused pieces. Chaos is approaching a climax.

The key to deep chaos will be a whipsaw: Trouble must start, then two palace sub-dominants must grab for power. Each must come close to consolidating power, but each must be cast aside. The second will be more ruthless than her predecessor, and the escalating violence and uncertainty will shatter the civilized veneer placed on succession. The old Bardazan instinct of duel-to-the-death will spread from the top down to all levels of society.

I will arrive at Bardazan in 90 days. The chaos must climax then.